The Way of Love

LEARN: Reflect on scripture each day, especially on Jesus' life and teachings

"Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." – John 14:23

Grant us so to hear [the Holy Scriptures], read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them." – Book of Common Prayer, Proper 28 (236)

By reading and reflecting on scripture, especially the life and teachings of Jesus, we draw near to God and God's word dwells in us. When we open our minds and hearts to scripture, we learn to see God's story and God's activity in everyday life.

Reflections on learning from scripture:
• How do you hope engaging with scripture will change your life?
• How do you hope studying scripture will change the world?
• How will you reflect on scripture each day?
• With whom will you study the Holy Scriptures?



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