All My Words Have Holes in Them

Simple Daily Meditations

Ginny Wilder

Church Publishing

Oct/2017, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9780819233820



Powerful, image-filled reflections on listening to and responding to the Holy within and around us

Have you ever worked up the courage to pray and opened your mouth to discover you didn't know what to say? Perhaps you were worried you might sound foolish or like a toddler or worse yet, you might say something you didn't really mean. Or have you ever steadied yourself to pray, lit a candle, rang the singing bowl, and realized that there were no words in our human language that could possibly contain what it is that you want to say in prayer. Our words have holes in them. Ginny Wilder offers a collection of prayers, poems, reflections, and stories written from a heart that knows what it is like to dwell in the fringe and in the wilderness. It was her ongoing conversation with God, knowing that her words had holes in them, that helped keep her connected and grounded when leaving and coming back to church. These writings are geared towards those who need a different kind of way to nourish their spiritual journey - the spiritually hungry, lost (and found), seekers, and anyone contemplating their prayer life and relationship with God. The language is simple, the settings are personal, and the conversation is always between our hearts and the heart of our God.

GINNY WILDER is a poet, musician, and Episcopal priest currently serving as the Rector of St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Passionate about taking the good news of Jesus Christ out into the city and beyond, she hosts a weekly Bible study in a bar, plays at local venues, and openly asks people about their prayer life. She has seven CDs and has performed in various venues, festivals, and churches on East Coast.

"Be still. Call out your name to the stars. Dig for earthworms. Pray on the sea. Get to know your soul. Listen to your heart. All My Words Have Holes in Them is a powerful love story of what it's like to meet your 'rawest' self for the first time and become the authentic creation God breathed you to be."—Roger Hutchison, author of The Painting Table, Under the Fig Tree, and Jesus: God among Us

"Ginny Wilder has a gift of inviting the reader into her stories and poetry until you can feel the wind on your face or hear the creak of the rocking chair."—Andrea McKellar, Ministry Developer, The Episcopal Church in South Carolina

"If you are seeking an honest form of Christian spirituality this is the place to begin."—Jason Evans, Missioner for Missional Communities, Episcopal Diocese of Texas

"Ginny Wilder is our very own modern day Episcopal mystic. Buy, read, and give this book."—The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, PhD, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary

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