Bishops on the Border

Pastoral Responses to Immigration

Steven Talmage, Kirk Smith, Minerva Carcano, Mark Adams, Gerald Kicanas

Morehouse Publishing

Sep/2013, 160 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819228758



Ecumenical examination of immigration issues drawn from engaging, first-person narratives.

A group of bishops (Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and United Methodist), all based along the US-Mexico border, found common ground to jointly address some key immigration issues, especially those being played out in the state of Arizona. The bishops worked together on behalf of local immigrant populations to address theological and pastoral concerns—and prayed for those whose lives were being directly affected. This book grows out of their shared work and the relationships that developed among them.

Kirk Smith was elected Bishop of Arizona in 2003 and lives in Phoenix. He has served parishes in Connecticut and California. With an undergraduate degree in history, Smith earned a PhD in medieval church history from Cornell University. He studied for holy orders at Berkeley Seminary at Yale before being ordained a priest in 1980 through the auspices of his home diocese of Arizona. He lives in Phoenix, AZ.

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