Calling Clergy

A Spiritual and Practical Guide Through the Search Process

Elizabeth Geitz

Church Publishing

Apr/2007, 99 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898695434



This clear, beautifully written tool for congregations engaged in the discernment and search process is a balanced combination of spiritual reflection and practical advice, born of the author's extensive experience as deployment officer in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey. The bonus of additional Appendix material, including a sample congregational questionnaire and other invaluable resources, available for free download below, make Calling Clergy a must-read book for parish search committees, vestry members, and other parish leaders.

Elizabeth Geitz is an Episcopal priest and the author of five books on spirituality, evangelism, hospitality and women's perspectives on faith. An award-winning writer, she is a spirituality faculty member for the CREDO Institute, Inc. and works closely with the Good Shepherd Home Board in Cameroon. Geitz is a popular keynote speaker and has been a radio talk show guest. She lives in Florida.

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