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Engages in how we should now live into this time of climate change crisis
It is hard to be hopeful in the face of climate crisis. The problem is on a scale difficult for us to understand. Actions needed to address the crisis require a radical change in way of life. Does the Church have anything unique to offer? Is there something in our life of community, worship, and prayer that suggests a different way through this time? Church, Creation, and the Common Good is a program resource offering a hopeful answer to these challenges. Through scripture, tradition, and Christian practice, it guides church communities into deeper understanding of their role as the Church in the world and how they might be communities for the common good in this time. This curricular resource is sure to foster rich conversations and provide a path toward love of all creation and our particular places as we face the climate crisis together.
Ragan Sutterfield is an ordained Episcopal priest serving in his native Arkansas. His writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including The Christian Century, Sojourners, Christianity Today, and Books & Culture. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas.
"Written from an Episcopal perspective, this curriculum helps facilitators guide a journey for Christian adult learners who seek to understand their faith in relationship to climate change. Heavy on theological foundations, the curriculum also provides concrete examples of how Christians are putting faith in action."––Shantha Ready Alonso, Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries
"This timely, essential, and accessible curriculum will enable churches to begin theologically reflective, practically oriented, necessary conversations for our common future."––Nurya Love Parish, founder of Plainsong Farm and author of Resurrection Matters
"Ragan and Emily Sutterfield have put together an immensely helpful curriculum to help our congregations reflect on who we are and where we live in regards to the multitude of environmental challenges we face, including the changing climate. This book moves us into being a part of the solution and helps us become bearers of hope to this world."––Bingham Powell, Rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Eugene, Oregon
"This curriculum couldn't be more urgently needed. Accessible and adaptable, sobering and hopeful, the Sutterfields offer scripturally sound, liturgically rooted ways of responding to the profound challenges of climate change, now and in the future."––Debra Dean Murphy, associate professor of Religious Studies at West Virginia Wesleyan College and serves on the board of The Ekklesia Project