Contemplative Gardening

Pamela Dolan

Morehouse Publishing

Apr/2022, 208 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640655409



An enchanting guide for turning the art of gardening into opportunities for reflection and meditation.

Contemplative Gardening makes the connection between tending to the earth and tending to our own souls, between caring for the planet and caring for one another. Pamela Dolan explores the myriad relationships between all living things that come to light when we dig in the soil. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or one just beginning, you will be fed by this intersection of food and faith.

Pamela Dolan is the rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Martin in Davis, California and is an active gardener. She started the Shepherd Farm Garden in suburban Missouri, which gave away thousands of pounds of produce to food-insecure households. Her religion writing has been featured in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Pamela is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School and holds a doctorate in ministry from Sewanee-The University of the South. She lives in Woodland, California.

“In the pages of this charming book, Pamela Dolan has vividly portrayed the very personal parts of gardening, those parts that bring us and our contemporaries into close touch with seeds, with soil, with revival and rejuvenation, and with all the attributes that make us feel our connections with the living world. . . . Nowhere more than by gardening and enjoying gardens, and beyond them, all of nature, can we appreciate more completely that we are part of a greater whole, one that comprises all life on Earth, and one that we continue to degrade and destroy at our peril.”—From the Foreword by Peter H. Raven, President Emeritus, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri

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