Divine Communion

A Eucharistic Theology of Sexual Intimacy

Jay Emerson Johnson

Seabury Books

Oct/2013, 192 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781596272521



Food, sex, and God– these intertwine at the heart of Christian faith and practice. This book invites Christian communities to reflect theologically and spiritually on the desire for God and the desire for sexual intimacy as the same fundamental desire for communion. This is likewise God’s own desire to be in communion with us, which Christians celebrate whenever we share a simple meal of bread and wine at the Eucharistic table. The longing for intimacy and its disruptions echo throughout our political contestations, economic systems, racial and ethnic conflicts, and ecological crises. In no small measure, the vitality of Christian witness to the Gospel in the twenty-first century depends on exploring the depths of desire itself in the ancient hope for Divine Communion made new.

Jay Emerson Johnson teaches at the Pacific School of Religion and Graduate Theological Union, while serving as associate clergy at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Berkeley, CA. He is the author of Dancing with God: Anglican Christianity and the Practice of Hope and served as the chair of the theology task group for I Will Bless You and You Will Be A Blessing. He lives in Richmond, CA.

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