The Episcopal Christian Educator's Handbook

Sharon Ely Pearson

Morehouse Publishing

Nov/2013, 256 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819228819



Builds upon the success of The Episcopal Handbook, this handbook taps into and expands on the most accessed pages of the Building Faith website and its online resource room. Perfect gift for teachers, seminarians and the newly ordained, this field guide is essential reading for all those who have anything to do with the ministry of Christian formation and education. A trusted companion and toolbox for anyone who teaches children, youth, or adults in a congregational setting, it includes handy forms, teaching tidbits, plus important information on “all things Episcopal,” sprinkled with humor and advice on how to handle many of the situations that occur in a teaching setting.

Sharon Ely Pearson a retired Christian educator, editor, and author with 35-plus years of experience in Christian formation on the local, judicatory, and church-wide level. Known for her knowledge of published curricula across the church, she has written or edited numerous books. She is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and a lifelong Episcopalian. She lives in Norwalk, Connecticut.

"The Episcopal Christian Educator's Handbook is brilliant! I have read it cover to cover and tabbed off many sections for quick reference!"—Kathy Graham, Coordinator of Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama

"When Episcopal educators have a question or need a resource, the person we turn to is Sharon Ely Pearson. Fortunately, Sharon has compiled answers to her most frequently asked questions in this informative, readable and even humorous gem of a book. Just reading the Table of Contents is worth the price."—Barbara Tensen Ross, Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon

"Theological and practical, biblical and humorous, The Episcopal Christian Educator’s Handbook is a treasure trove of wisdom, information, and guidance. This is a comprehensive, accessible, delightful resource that novice and experienced educators alike will want to have on their bookshelves. What a gift!"—The Rev. Canon Patricia S. Mitchell, Canon for Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of New York

"The mostly one-page entries helpfully explain "the basics" of Christian education in the Episcopal Church in a readable, light format. This book is particularly suitable for volunteer teachers, DCEs, youth directors, clergy and vestry members responsible for Christian education in their parishes."—Cindy Coe, Formation Consultant, Episcopal Relief Development

"What sets this book apart is that it provides a sound foundation for Christian formation, from job descriptions to a sample teachers’ meeting, from ways we understand curriculum theologically to how and why we welcome children into church. This book gives the basics backed by the theory and theology." —Genevieve Callard, Assistant to the Bishop for Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries, The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan

"A delightfully entertaining collection of practical information, truly “everything you ever need to know.” Sharon Ely Pearson has created a well-written and thoughtfully organized guide to the job and the ministry of the Christian Educator."—Lisa Puccio, Minister for Children and Families, Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, Texas and Vice-President of Forma

"I wish this had been available years ago when I first took a church position. I would have kept it with me at all times! I look forward to sharing this gift with those in my diocese."—Kathy Graham, Coordinator of Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and Forma Board member

"Wonderful, Extraordinary, Honest… Pearson is recognized as one of the top experts in the education/formation field and this book is evidence why. For experienced educators it reminds us of the basics we have forgotten. For the new educator it will give you the confidence you will need to excel. This is a must have for all clergy and every seminary student would be wise to read it before their first assignment."—Ruth-Ann Collins, Officer, Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Church

Advance Praise for The Episcopal Christian Educator’s Handbook

“Informative, readable and even humorous gem of a book. Just reading the Table of Contents is worth the price.”—Barbara Tensen Ross, Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon

“Theological and practical, biblical and humorous…a treasure trove of wisdom, information, and guidance. What a gift!”—The Rev. Canon Patricia S. Mitchell, Canon for Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of New York

“A well-written and thoughtfully organized guide to the job and the ministry of the Christian Educator.”—Lisa Puccio, Minister for Children and Families, Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, Texas and Vice-President of Forma

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