Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers

Exploring Christian Faith

C.K. Robertson, Ian S. Markham

Morehouse Publishing

Mar/2014, 104 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819223098



An accessible introduction to the Episcopal Church for general inquiries, use with new members, as a confirmation resource, and in youth and adult study groups.

A simple Q&A provides a quick, easy, and non-threatening way to learn-perfect for today’s busy lifestyle. Yet, with Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers, we’re also dealing with some of the most central and compelling elements of the faith.

Sample questions of the new work include: What do Episcopalians believe about the Bible? Why do Episcopalians practice infant baptism? Why does God permit evil and suffering? What are the sacraments of the Episcopal Church? Is it acceptable for a Bishop to question the Virgin Birth? Why is the Prayer Book so important to Episcopalians? What is the relationship between the Prayer Book and the Bible? What is the Anglican Communion? How did the Episcopal Church come to be? How are decisions made in the Episcopal Church?

C. K. Robertson, PhD, DD, is Canon to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the General Theological Seminary. His books include Transforming Stewardship, Conversations with Scripture: Acts of the Apostles, and the DVD series, Hazardous Saints, all via Church Publishing. He earned the PhD from the University of Durham, Durham, England. He lives in Oviedo, Florida

Ian S. Makham is the Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and a Professor of Theology and Ethics. He is the author of numerous books, including Against Atheism and An Introduction to Ministry (co-written with Oran Warder). His awards include the Robertson Fellow; Claggett Fellow attached to Washington National Cathedral; Frank Woods Fellow at Trinity College, Melbourne; and F. D. Maurice Lectures at King’s College, London. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

“Insightful and helpful introduction to the Episcopal ethos—who are those strange folks, why do they think the way(s) they do, and act the way they do—in church and in the world? Even the cradle-born will learn something in these pages, and all will find fodder for reflection and motivation in the questions that follow each section.”—Katharine Jefferts Schori, 26th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church

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