Conversations with Scripture

The Gospel of Matthew

John Yieh

Morehouse Publishing

Apr/2012, 148 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819224200



This book invites readers to enter the narrative world and the historical context of Matthew’s gospel to encounter Jesus Christ in his mighty works and words. Focusing on particular social and theological issues, such as eschatology and Jewish-Christian conflict, it shows how Matthew used Jesus’ stories and teachings to instruct and sustain his racially-mixed church to meet the severe challenges posed by Pharisaic opposition, Roman suspicion and intramural tension.

It is worth noting that the church today faces similar challenges in its need to articulate its faith and identity, to bear strong witness and unity, and to carry out its missions to baptize and teach the world.

Sponsored by the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars, the Conversations with Scripture series was created just for Episcopalians. Each book is designed for people in the pews eager to learn more about Scripture—and how it applies to their lives today.

John Yueh Han Yieh, PhD is the Molly Laird Downs Professor in New Testament at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. He joined the faculty at VTS in 1995. His research focuses on the Gospel of Matthew and the Johannine Literature from the vantage of sociological and history-of-effects approaches. His published works include Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew; A History of Biblical Interpretation in China; and One Teacher: Jesus’ Teaching Role in Matthew’s Gospel. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

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