In Spirit and Truth

A Vision of Episcopal Worship

Sylvia Sweeney, Kevin J. Moroney, Stephanie Budwey, Samuel Torvend

Church Publishing

Dec/2020, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781640652989



An invitation to a conversation about the direction of our worship life.

The Anglican colloquium of the North American Academy of Liturgy acknowledged the need for a collection of insights to aid in the liturgical formation of the Episcopal Church as we move into liturgical revision. The volume's contributions have been shaped around the clauses of resolution A068, looking at the ways in which parishes and individuals can live into this time of revision and creativity. With a shared understanding of our deepest held Christian values, the editors look forward to what the future brings for our collective worship lives and our missional lives as bearers of Christ to a troubled and broken world.

This volume provides churches with tools for intelligent, cogent, accessible historical and theological conversation illuminating the way forward for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement.

SYLVIA SWEENEY was Dean and President of Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont. With a doctorate in Liturgical Studies from Graduate Theological Union, she has worked with progressive Christians seeking to expand their own vision for spiritual formation. As a professor of Liturgical Studies and of Homiletics, she helped church leaders and those preparing for ordained ministry bridge the divide between academia, the pew, and our busy city streets. She lives in Altadena, CA.
KEVIN MORONEY, PhD, serves as the H. Boone Porter Chair of Liturgics at The General Theological Seminary, where he also serves as Director of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. In 2018, he was appointed to serve a three-year term on the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision, a thirty-member committee created by the General Convention to explore future paths for worship in the Episcopal Church. He lives in New York City.
Stephanie A. Budwey, PhD is the Luce Dean’s Faculty Fellow Assistant Professor of the History and Practice of Christian Worship and the Arts and Director of the Religion in the Arts and Contemporary Culture Program at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Her teaching and research focus on the relationships between social justice issues, liturgy, and the arts. Her current book project is tentatively entitled Religion and Intersex: Perspectives from Science, Law, Culture, and Theology and her research on Marian hymnody was published in 2014 by Liturgical Press as Sing of Mary: Giving Voice to Marian Theology and Devotion. She currently serves as Organist/Parish Musician at St. David’s Episcopal Church and lives in Nashville, TN.
SAMUEL TORVEND is senior historian in Religion at Pacific Lutheran University and associate priest for adult formation at Christ Episcopal Church in Tacoma, Washington. He is the chair emeritus of the Commission on Liturgy and the Arts in the Diocese of Olympia and a much-published author on liturgy and social justice. He lives in Lakewood, WA.

“The essays of In Spirit and Truth are a generous invitation to learn more about the deep theological, spiritual, and cultural issues calling the Episcopal Church to liturgical revision. In these pages, some of our church’s finest scholars and liturgists consider how Resolution A068 of the 79th General Convention provides a long-awaited opportunity for our beloved tradition to adapt in faithful and creative ways. At its best, the work of General Convention inspires books like this.”—Gay Clark Jennings, President, House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church

“…..In Spirit and Truth following another volume (2018’s Issues in Prayer Book Revision), along with journal articles, online conferences, and websites devoted to just ‘liturgical revision’ could mean. The goal of this volume is primarily to promote conversation beyond the academy and the church’s liturgical gatekeepers….”—Doxology, Volume 32.1

“From time to time, the natural evolution of the Church’s liturgical life comes to a crossroads moment that demands of us a hard look at how we pray together. It’s sort of like packing for a journey and deciding what to take along and what to leave behind. The Church is presently at such a crossroads, and the essays in this book will stimulate a lot of useful conversation about what we need for the journey ahead.”—Neil Alexander, Chair of the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision

“Liturgy at its heart is an encounter with Christ, grounded in Baptism and sustained and deepened in the Eucharist; liturgical revision is guided by and serves this encounter. The lucid and accessible essays that make up this volume invite the Church to discern how the Spirit is calling us to extend the reach of Christ’s ‘saving embrace’ through our worship and sacramental celebration. A series of questions at the end of each chapter makes this a valuable resource for individual and congregational study and reflection as we look ahead to the revision of the Prayer Book.”—Frank T. Griswold, XXV Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

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