Lifelong Faith

Formation for All Ages and Generations

John Roberto

Church Publishing

Jan/2022, 224 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781640654860



Lifelong Faith provides a blueprint for Christian formation that forms disciples of all ages and transforms church communities.

Vibrant lifelong faith formation can renew and revitalize faith across generations and contribute towards a thriving congregation that lives its mission. Using the seven elements outlined in this book, churches will create a dynamic and vital plan that can be customized to meet the needs, interests, and challenges we face today and nurture the spiritual growth of all ages.

With current research, clear examples, and tools for design and evaluation, Lifelong Faith is a practical, thoughtful, and comprehensive guide for clergy, educators, and lay leaders who seek a fresh, holistic approach to Christian education and discipleship.

JOHN ROBERTO has been teaching, writing, researching, consulting, and developing program resources in faith formation since 1969. He was the founder of the Center for Ministry Development (1978), where he worked for 28 years. From 2001-2006, John was the creator and project coordinator of the Generations of Faith Project, a five-year Lilly Endowment initiative to develop intergenerational faith formation in Catholic parishes across the United States. In 2006, he founded Lifelong Faith Associates, LLC to continue his work. John lives in Cheshire, Connecticut.

“Anyone concerned with helping followers of Jesus live out their Christian faith will welcome Lifelong Faith. John Roberto’s biblical grounding and sound pedagogy, supported by practical resources, encourages us to reflect on our current practices and their effectiveness in nurturing lifelong discipleship.”—Mary Hawes, National Children and Youth adviser, Church of England Education Office

“John Roberto maps out a vision of faith formation that is hopeful, creative, timely, wise, and thoroughly practical. This excellent resource invites us to embrace the challenges and opportunities that are before us and shows us how we can do this by delivering fresh, clear, and accessible counsel that is sure to prove applicable for churches of any tradition.”—Cory Seibel, PhD, pastor, Central Baptist Church-Connors Hill site, Edmonton, Alberta; Tutor, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia

“John has a gift for capturing the most relevant and perceptive kernels from both the classics and current research and integrating them into eminently usable understandings for spiritual formation. He brings his rich experience and keen perception to his latest enterprise, Lifelong Faith.”—Holly Allen, PhD, professor of Family Studies and Christian Ministries, Lipscomb University

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