Much Fine Gold

The Revised Common Lectionary

Gail Ramshaw

Church Publishing

Sep/2021, 96 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7

ISBN: 9781640654228



Explore how the Revised Common Lectionary enriches worship

How does this contemporary lectionary nourish Christian faith and life? Further, why does the lectionary employ metaphor, the richest form of language, in the midst of the worshiping assembly? How do the biblical readings prepare worshippers for the church’s mission? Well-known liturgist and author Gail Ramshaw opens up the logic and purpose of this widely used resource.

The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments.

Gail Ramshaw is a premier historian and theologian of Christian liturgy. Her contributions to understanding and shaping American Christian worship in the last 25 years are formidable. She lives in Arlington, Virginia.

“Samuel Torvend asked a question that I’ve been mulling over since I heard it in 2009: ‘How do we live in the world the things that we rehearse in worship?’ Little Books on Liturgy is a scripturally and theologically grounded series that guides the reader to engage and answer the question through the lens of the Anglican liturgical and lectionary traditions.”—The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis

“The Little Books on Liturgy series is a gift to the church that will inspire parish conversations, liturgy planners, and individual study. These are great resources that deserve wide circulation and broad engagement.”—The Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, author, Celebrating Liturgical Time

“Gail Ramshaw provides a text that will be as appealing to church insiders as it will be to those who are beginners in congregational life. . . . A perfect addition to group formation and personal reflection, and a fantastic resource for preachers and liturgists.”—The Rev. Dr. Paul Fromberg, author, The Art of Disruption

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