Pilgrim Road, Revised Edition

A Benedictine Journey Through Lent

Albert Holtz

Church Publishing

Oct/2014, 192 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819229816



In the view of St. Benedict of Nursia, the Lenten journey is an inner pilgrimage with Christ into the deepest parts of ourselves, to be marked not so much by external observances, such as fasting and self-denial, as by a deepening of our relationship with God. Benedictine monk Albert Holtz develops that journey theme through meditations written during a fifteen-country pilgrimage while on sabbatical. At the heart of each reflection is the lesson it teaches about our inner spiritual journey. By applying Benedict’s monastic wisdom to the everyday concerns and aspirations of modern Christians, Pilgrim Road helps contemporary spiritual seekers travel along and experience the journey of Lent in the most positive, meaningful, and fruitful manner.

Albert Holtz, O.S.B., is a Benedictine monk of Newark Abbey, Newark, New Jersey, working in the monastery's inner-city prep school, where he teaches New Testament. He has served as master of novices for 25 years and as a retreat master for Benedictine communities around the United States. He is the author of Downtown Monks, From Holidays to Holy Days, and Walking in Valleys of Darkness.He lives in Newark, New Jersey.

"Not so long ago, I was a peregrino—a pilgrim—on the road to Santiago de Compostela, walking in the steps of the faithful who had gone before and marking the trail for those who would follow. In these pages, Holtz re1ninds us every step we take can be a pilgrimage should we choose to attend to the Spirit's call on our lives." —Milton Brasher-Cunningham, author of Keeping the Feast"Pilgrim Road does not feel like puffed-up spiritual advice from a wise sage; instead I felt it was written to the child in me, all too aware of not being 'grown up' enough (in Christ), yet still yearning to be assured that I am dearly loved. I look forward to re-reading it many times."—Norvene Vest, author of Preferring Christ

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