Planning for Rites and Rituals

A Resource for Episcopal Worship: Year B

Andrew R. Wright

Church Publishing

Jul/2023, 432 Pages, Hardback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9781640656390



The indispensable guide to curating resources for worship in the Episcopal Church.

Newly revised and reorganized, Planning for Rites and Rituals is a guide to liturgical planning in the Episcopal Church, organized around the seasons of the church year and the cycle of Sunday readings in the revised common lectionary. Structured as a series of three volumes—one for each year in the lectionary cycle—Planning for Rites and Rituals includes guidance for making seasonal choices among the church’s authorized worship resources, brief commentary on each Sunday’s readings, guidance is approaching the Prayers of the People, and suggestions for observing commemorations from the church’s calendar. New relections on the readings by Deirdre Good offer fresh insghts to preachers. New introductory material suggests approaches to curating liturgical resources.

New editor Andrew Wright has applied his years of experience in planning liturgy at parishes across the Episcopal Church and mentoring clergy to this revision. Including contributions from throughout the church, this volume offers clergy and lay liturgical planners a framework for planning throughout the church year.

Andrew R. Wright is Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, New Jersey. Prior to this role, Canon Wright has served at churches in Tennessee, Nebraska, New York, Maryland, and Texas. Focusing his studies on Liturgical Theology, Wright received the Doctor of Theology and Master of Sacred Theology degrees from the General Theological Seminary after earning the Master of Divinity degree from the School of Theology of the University of the South (Sewanee) and his undergraduate degree from Texas Christian University. Canon Wright has taught courses at the Theological School of Drew University, Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University, the non-degree program at Sewanee, and in local diocesan schools. He is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy, the Society of Scholar Priests, and the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission. He lives in West Orange, New Jersey.

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