Post-Traumatic God

How the Church Cares for People Who Have Been to Hell and Back

David W. Peters

Morehouse Publishing

Sep/2016, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819233035



After traumatic events, many turn away from the Church; this book presents a path home, providing a way back to a God who can be trusted, loved, and worshipped.

Today, the church is sometimes viewed (even from within) as a place apart, which may create a barrier of understanding for those who have experienced trauma. Post-Traumatic God grew out of Peters’ own experience as a chaplain in Iraq and later as an Episcopal priest, and from his subsequent work with an organization he founded, Episcopal Veterans for Peace, which helped him identify the need for this quite-different book to bridge that gap. In it, Peters explores three related themes: history (the early church itself was a post-traumatic community); theology (especially building on Tillich's World War I experiences and the theology he subsequently developed); and ecclesiology (how church can offer community to trauma survivors. Post-Traumatic God equips the Church to heal the unseen wounds of the soul.

DAVID W. PETERS served as a Marine and Army Chaplain in Iraq, and his experience includes youth ministry, hospital and military chaplaincy, and parish ministry. David’s books and story have been featured twice on NPR’s All Things Considered. He has appeared on Fox News and local TV stations, as well as WHYY in Philadelphia. He blogs for the Huffington Post and Oxford University Press. David is currently an Army Reserve instructor at the U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, and associate rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, Texas.

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