Preparing Room

An Advent Companion

Russell J. Levenson Jr.

Church Publishing

Sep/2020, 144 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640653153



Explore the biblical context for Advent in this series of contemplations.

The pieces of the beginning of the Christian story come together, not from one set of hands, but many. For instance, in the four Gospels, Mark makes no mention of the events leading up to and surrounding the birth of Jesus. John, for the most part, points back to Genesis. Most of the historical pieces come to us primarily from Matthew and Luke. The scriptures together are the key to telling the story of the season.

Allusions and references to other scriptures are accompanied by brief meditations so that readers may step more deeply into the Advent story and find its meaning and impact for their own lives.

Russell J. Levenson Jr. has been an ordained Episcopal priest for over thirty years and the spiritual advisor to thousands. He served as Rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, the largest Episcopal Church in North America, for seventeen years until his recent retirement. Levenson co-officiated and offered a homily at the state funeral for President George H.W. Bush in Washington, D.C. and in Houston. He also officiated and preached at the funeral for First Lady Barbara Bush in Houston. He is the author of many books, included the acclaimed, Witness to Dignity. He lives in Mountain Brook, Alabama.

“Whenever Russ speaks or writes, I listen or read. He has the heart of a pastor and the skill of a poet. So grateful for him and this book.” —Max Lucado, author

“Russell Levenson wants to connect faith to living. I am sure that anyone reading and using this Advent book will find their walk closer to Jesus, the one we anticipate this season.” —The Very Rev. Dr. Ian Markham, Dean and President, Virginia Theological Seminary

“I firmly believe God’s hand was on Russell’s as this was written!” —Lani Netter, President, Lani Netter Productions, and Co-Producer of the film The Shack, based on the best-selling book

“Russell Levenson is not only insightful and wise but also humorous. He presents a realistic approach to biblical stories that other people often dress up or sugarcoat.” —Ann Claypool Beard, LCSW editor of The First to Follow

Preparing Room is an important resource for Advent with its practical, realistic, and life-giving assurance of God’s grace for all through the gift to the world of Jesus Christ.” —Dr. Neal R. Berte, President-Emeritus, Birmingham-Southern College

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