All Things Necessary

A Practical Guide for Episcopal Church Musicians

Marti Rideout

Church Publishing

Dec/2012, 240 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898696523



This is a complete revision of a detailed resource which has been the essential guide for church musicians working in the Episcopal church for over 20 years.

A Guide to the Practice of Church Music (1989) was originally written by Marion J. Hatchett, who taught for many years at the Episcopal seminary at Sewanee, was key in developing materials for The Hymnal 1982. This updated revision contains brief, but articulate discussions of the role of music in the church, the variety and nature of music ministries (people, cantor, choirs, organists, directors, instrumentalists, clergy, and music committees); principles for the selection of hymns, psalms, canticles, and other service music and their sources in materials from CPI and beyond; guidance for planning services for all rites of the church in the BCP and the Book of Occasional Services. Updated revision includes hymnals, electronic resources, and materials published since The Hymnal 1982.

Marti Rideout has served Episcopal parishes in New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio as Minister of Music/Organist and Choirmaster. She was a founding member of the Leadership Program for Musicians, a curriculum writer, national LPM Consultant-Coordinator, and teacher. She serves as a church music consultant, interim musician, and is on the Association of Anglican Musicians' Mentoring Program Task Force to assist organists.

"The work of a true pastoral musician, this comprehensive resource is a great gift to all church musicians. Highly recommended."—Dr. Marilyn J. Keiser, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, Indiana University, and Director of Music, Trinity Episcopal Church, Bloomington

"Novice and veteran alike will delight in this treasure trove of resources. Highly recommended."—The Rev. Dr. William Bradley Roberts, Professor of Church Music, Virginia Theological Seminary

"If as a Church Musician your mantra is, 'I seek to be first a pastor, next a teacher and last of all a performer’, this is the book for you, All Things Necessary, written by a dedicated, gifted pastoral musician, who has lived and practiced all the things she has written about. Marti Rideout in her ministry in the Church IS a pastor, a teacher and a performer."—Dr. Raymond F. Glover, Editor, Episcopal Hymnal 1982, and Emeritus Professor of Church Music, Virginia Theological Seminary

"Authored by a church musician with many years of practical experience serving Episcopal congregations, 'All things necessary' contains a wealth of helpful ideas and suggestions."--Mr. Kyle Ritter, Canon for Music at The Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, North Carolina, and Chair, Mentoring Task Force Committee, Assn. of Anglican Musicians

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