A Time to Turn

Anglican Readings for Lent and Easter Week

Christopher L. Webber

Morehouse Publishing

Nov/2004, 128 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819221100



A rigorous devotional for the 40 days of Lent.

For centuries Lent has been a time when Christians stop and take stock of their lives. It is a time for revisiting the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. It is a time of focusing on our sinfulness and the need to repent, as well as a season in which we focus on putting aside our luxuries and making sure that others have what they need. All of these themes, and more, are explored in this collection of Anglican readings that begin with Ash Wednesday and end on the Saturday of Easter Week.

These readings are arranged in a regular sequence through each week of Lent. Sunday readings focus on God’s love, Mondays on the need for discipline, Tuesdays on fasting, Wednesdays on prayer, Thursdays on sin, Fridays on the cross, and Saturdays on baptism.

A Time to Turn draws on the best sermons, books, poems, and hymns of Anglican writers throughout the centuries, with a reading for each day, followed by the brief suggestion for focusing the reader's meditations. Writers include Christina Rossetti, John Donne, Philips Brooks, John Keble, Thomas Traherne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and many others. Brief biographies are included, along with a bibliography for those who would like to read more from a given writer.

Christopher L. Webber, a graduate of Princeton University and the General Theological Seminary in New York, is an Episcopal priest who has led urban, rural, and overseas parishes. He is the author of several books, including Welcome to Christian Faith,Beyond Beowulf, and A Year with American Saints, co-authored with Lutheran Pastor G. Scott Cady. Webber grew up in Cuba, New York, and lives in San Francisco.

"A Time to Turn lives up to Webber's reputation by being readable, thoughtful and useful…The readings are uniformly well-chosen…With its rich history, its range of topics - discipline, fasting, the cross, charity- and its variety of theologies and written styles…this little book is a treasure box for small groups, youth ministers, retreat leaders and individuals looking for a Lenten reflections that will fuel conversation and prayer."—The Rev. Lisa B. Hamilton

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