A User's Guide to The Holy Eucharist Rites I & II

Christopher L. Webber

Morehouse Publishing

Jul/1997, 96 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819216953



Become a full partner in the worship of God using this guide which illuminates the theology, history, and practical concerns of the Holy Eucharist.

This guide is designed to help newcomers, confirmation classes, and lay members understand and appreciate the Episcopal liturgy. They invite the person in the pew to participate in the service, not merely as a spectator, but as a full partner in the worship of God in community.

Developed specifically to address the needs of inquirers and others not familiar with the Book of Common Prayer, this volume provides an easily accessible introduction to the liturgy. This guide shows how the Holy Eucharist has its roots in two ancient Jewish patterns of worship: the synagogue service and the seder meal.

Christopher L. Webber, a graduate of Princeton University and the General Theological Seminary in New York, is an Episcopal priest who has led urban, rural, and overseas parishes. He is the author of several books, including Welcome to Christian Faith,Beyond Beowulf, and A Year with American Saints, co-authored with Lutheran Pastor G. Scott Cady. Webber grew up in Cuba, New York, and lives in San Francisco.

"...provides introductory commentary on the major liturgical services of the Book of Common Prayer...historical notes as well as customs of Episcopal worshipers... glossaries, suggestions for further reading, and indexes. Every parish will want to keep a supply of these two on hand for newcomers and study groups."--The Living Church"These are, as indicated by the title, user's guides. They presume the reader has the Book of Common Prayer to which to refer. Even without that, however, these might be helpful to all Modern Liturgy readers because they offer an invitation to the ‘why' of daily prayer. They give an accurate, if brief, history of Christian prayer, daily worship (the Hours) and the Eucharist from earliest times, through the Reformation and up to today. They describe the ‘structure' of Christian prayer and baptism and tell us why things are done as they are. The ‘theology' may be Anglican, but Roman Catholic readers will find nothing to object to."--David O. Brown, reviewing for Modern Liturgy, Vol. 25, No. 4"Calm, lucid, scholarly explanations are the preferred order of the day as these two slim volumes from longtime priest Christopher Webber nicely demonstrate. The two volumes represent in book form what the church calls an ‘instructed' service. Each walks us through an entire service, with running commentary facing the pages reproduced from the Prayer Book. Webber pauses long enough to explain, simply and concisely, the liturgical background or spiritual import of a certain word, prayer, or gesture. He knows instinctively how to satisfy the inquirer's curiosity and piety...Webber is an exceptional mentor. He provides insights that are both eloquent and profound into the ultimate purpose behind any such religious rite, which is ‘to provide opportunity for every Christian to offer each day to God.'"--Princeton Alumni Review"What the books say will be useful to those coming new to the Book of Common Prayer and will give a true feeling of prayer book spirituality."--Open: Associated Parishes for Liturgy Mission

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