A Walk in Jerusalem

Stations of the Cross

John Peterson

Morehouse Publishing

Feb/1998, 64 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819217356



A thoughtful meditation on the Stations of the Cross for followers who want a deeper understanding of the Passion and the meaning of Easter. With a helpful map, illustrations.

Every Friday in Jerusalem, Franciscan monks take groups of pilgrims down the Via Dolorosa, the road Christ may have walked on his way to the cross. Stopping at each of fourteen locations that mark events in the final days of Christ’s life, the pilgrims recall the Passion story and offer prayers for the world.

In A Walk in Jerusalem, The Rev. Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, brings new life to this centuries-old ritual known as the Stations of the Cross. Illustrated with a map, 14 black-and-white photographs, and 14 pen-and-ink drawings, this helpful guide provides the appropriate episode of the Passion story along with a meditation and brief liturgy that apply that story to today’s world.

Designed for use on Good Friday or general devotions, A Walk in Jerusalem offers new insight into the Passion Narratives and encouragement to live as Christ taught.

“A very moving presentation of the Way of the Cross.”-Religious Resources International

John Petersonis the National Cathedral’s first Canon for Global Justice and Reconciliation. Until 2004, he served as Secretary General of the Anglican Communion in London. He now lives in Hendersonville, NC.

"A very moving presentation of the Way of the Cross...Nicely done."—Religious Resources International

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