Christ and Culture

Communion After Lambeth

Martyn Percy, Mark Chapman, Ian S. Markham & James Barney Hawkins IV, editors

Church Publishing

Feb/2010, 224 Pages, KINDLE, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819227980



Ebook available from Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.

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First in a global series, Canterbury Studies in Anglicanism will meet the growing demand for resources that address the breadth and complexity of contemporary Anglicanism for the 75+ million members of the Anglican Communion.

  • Leading Anglican thinkers including Rowan Williams and Tom Wright open up this premier volume with the themes of the 2008 Lambeth Converence for grassroots conversation and reflection 
  • Subsequent volumes will focus on women and leadership, worship, and diversity and discipleship within the Communion

In Christ and Culture leading bishops from around the world including Rowan Williams, Tom Wright, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Geoffrey Rowell, Richard Clarke, Victoria Matthews, Drexel Gomez and others, reflect on the ten main themes of the 2008 Lambeth conference:

  • Celebrating common ground: Anglican identity
  • Proclaiming the good news:  evangelism
  • Transforming society: social injustice
  • Other churches and God’s mission
  • Safeguarding creation:  The environment
  • Engaging with a multi-faith world
  • Equal in God’s sight: gender violence
  • Living under scripture
  • Human sexuality
  • The Covenant and the Windsor Process

Mark Chapman is Vice-Principal of Ripon College Cuddeson.

Barney Hawkins is Vice President, Associate Dean, and Professor at Virginia Theological Seminary and has more than 30 years of parish experience.


DR. IAN S. MARKHAM is the Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and a Professor of Theology and Ethics. He is the author of numerous books including Against Atheism and An Introduction to Ministry (co-written with Oran Warder). His awards include the Robertson Fellow; Claggett Fellow attached to Washington National Cathedral; Frank Woods Fellow at Trinity College, Melbourne; and F. D. Maurice Lectures at King’s College, London.

Martyn Percy is Principal of Ripon College Cuddesdon and the Oxford Ministry Course. He is also Professor of Theological Education at King's College London, and Professorial Research Fellow at Heythrop College London. He is also an Honorary Canon of Salisbury Cathedral. Martyn has served as a Director and Council member of the Advertising Standards Authority, as a Commissioner of the Direct Marketing Authority, and as an Adjudicator for the Portman Group (the self-regulating body for the alcoholic drinks industry). He is a member of the BBC Standing Committee on Religion and Beliefs, as well as an advisor to the British Board of Film Classification. Since 2003 he has co-ordinated the Society for the Study of Anglicanism at the American Academy of Religion. He writes on Christianity and contemporary culture, modern ecclesiology and practical theology. His recent books include Clergy: The Origin of Species (2006), Engaging Contemporary Culture: Christianity and the Concrete Church (2005) and Shaping the Church: The Promise of Implicit Theology (2010).

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