Godly Play Volume 5

Practical Helps from Godly Play Trainers

Jerome W. Berryman

Church Publishing

Jul/2003, 120 Pages, Paperback, 8.25 x 10.75

ISBN: 9781931960045



Godly Play® is an imaginative approach to working with children, based on Montessori principles.

The kind of help you will find here for your continuing development as a Godly Play teacher supplements the first four volumes of The Complete Guide to Godly Play and their related videos. You will find wisdom about developing the storyteller you already are. There is advice on how to manage time and space in the classical teaching and learning environment for Godly Play. The authors of volume 5 are nearly all accredited Godly Play trainers. It has been written not only to introduce you to some of the next generation of leaders in Godly Play, but also to make available to you the benefit of their experience and insight.

Since there is nothing quite so practical as good theory, there are also reflections about children's education, their spirituality and a theology of childhood for adults. This information is based on what has been learned about children in Godly Play settings around the world so we adults can be guided toward entering the reality Jesus called "the Kingdom of Heaven."

The late Jerome W. Berryman was the founder of Godly Play and had years of experience working with children ages 2–18. Priest, writer, lecturer, and workshop leader, Berryman was, for years, Senior Fellow of the Center for the Theology of Childhood. He was the author of The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Teaching Godly Play, Children and the Theologians, The Spiritual Guidance of Children, and Stories of God at Home.


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