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The Way of Love
Frederick H. Borsch
Morehouse Publishing
Jan/2009, 112 Pages, KINDLE, 5 x 7
ISBN: 9780819227089
Ebook available from Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.
The popular song Day by Day from “Godspell” was actually written in the Middle Ages by Richard of Chichester, a saint remembered for his humility, his perseverance in times of hardship, his care for the poor, and the strength and generosity of his faith. After his death miracles of healing were said to have taken place through his intercession, and a shrine grew up at his cathedral in Chichester, a small city south of London. His had been a life of close friendships and high position, but also exclusion, exile and poverty.
The intonations of a brave and searching man on his knees can be heard throughout this prayer. Borsch uses the life of Richard to illuminate and guide us as we seek day by day to see more clearly, love more dearly and follow God more nearly. These intellectually solid meditations draw on Scripture and church history to aid us in our devotional life.
Frederick Borsch, noted scholar, retreat leader, and author of 17 books, is professor of New Testament and Anglican studies at Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He is a retired bishop, former dean of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, and former professor and dean of the chapel at Princeton University.