Healing in the Landscape of Prayer

Avery Brooke

Morehouse Publishing

Aug/2004, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819221261



An account of the author's training and experience in parish healing ministry, along with history, practical advice, and guidance.

For Christians, the ministry of healing prayer goes back to our deepest roots, to Jesus of Nazareth, who cared for those suffering in body and in spirit. As his followers, we are challenged—and empowered—to do the same. Members of mainline Christian denominations, however, may be skeptical about this ministry, as author Avery Brooke was at first. She tells the surprising story of healing prayer in her own life and that of her church in Connecticut. With clarity and thoroughness, she traces the history of healing prayer, examining it as part of the larger “landscape of prayer.” This book provides a foundation—and a wealth of practical information—for clergy and lay people to explore healing prayer in their own lives and parishes.

Avery Brooke has taught prayer and meditation and has been a spiritual director for over thirty years. A Holy Cross oblate, she is a former mentor in the Annand Program in Spiritual Growth at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, where she teaches an introductory course on healing and the laying on of hands. Her other works include Plain Prayers in a Complicated World and Finding God in the World.

"To any who are feeling called to this ministry but do not know where to begin, this book is an excellent introduction, making the ministry of healing seem accessible and a natural part of the landscape of prayer."—Carole A. Crumley, Co-director of Shalem, Sewanee Theological Review

"A thorough and clear history of the healing ministry. Practical steps for creating healing services in mainline churches, along with moving prayers, litanies, suggested hymns, and further readings on the subject."—Faith at Work

"Healing in the Landscape of Prayer will certainly capture the fancy of lay and clergy alike. It is helpful reading for those seeking more knowledge of Christ's ministry of healing through the church, and will also be an encouragement to anyone seeking a deeper spiritual walk with God."—Cross Point

"This book provides an excellent introduction to a wide range of contemporary understandings and practice related to healing, with a special regard for the mainstream of Christian thought and practice. Many powerful concrete stories from her own and others' experiences add to its helpfulness and readability."–Tilden Edwards, author of Living Simply through the Day: Spiritual Survival in a Complex Age and founder of Shalem

"A practical guide for Christians seeking to learn balanced principles of healing prayer. Avery Brooke presents a wealth of material in a down-to-earth manner filled with rich faith and wisdom."–Barbara Shlemon Ryan, author of The Healing Love of Jesus Christ

"Healing in the Landscape of Prayer is always the first resource I recommend to Episcopal congregations who are exploring the ministry of healing. I am delighted that it is back in print!"–Bonita Ann Palmer, MD, MFT, MDiv, Director, Formation for Healing Ministry in the Diocese of California

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