I Sing a Song of the Saints of God

Lesbia Scott

Morehouse Publishing

May/1991, 32 Pages, Hardback, 7.25 x 10.25

ISBN: 9780819215611



This charming presentation of the beloved classic hymn by Lesbia Scott (1898-1987) draws children into the vivid world of saints and their life adventures. We see how each saints have demonstrated qualities of courage, joy, love of Christ, kindness, patience, and generosity. Best of all, children discover that they, too, can become saints, and that these heroes and heroines of the church belong not only to the past, but that "the world is bright with joyous saints" still. The saints of God today are moms and dads, storekeepers and school teachers, and, happily, "the saints of God are just folks like me, and I mean to be one too."

Biographies of the saints alluded to in the text, plus the music and words of the hymn are included.

Lesbia Scott (1898-1987) wrote the classic Christian hymn I Sing a Song of the Saints of God in Britain. It was first published in 1929.

"A charming presentation of the beloved classic hymn as only Judith Gwyn Brown can. Children will thrill to the courage, kindness, generosity and love of the saints in the hymn, and they will be amused to discover that the sheep of St. Joan in the book is Miss Brown's dog Guenevere in disguise."—Catholic Parent

"This is a brief storybook about hymns and saints. The text is from a hymn, originally written by Lesbia Scott (1898-1987). It was set to the tune 'Grand Isle' in 1940 and harmonized in 1981. The illustrator, Judith Gwyn Brown, provides clear and colorful illustrations."—Ralph Hartsock

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