I Will, with God's Help Leader's Guide

Episcopal Confirmation for Youth and Adults

Mary Lee Wile

Church Publishing

Jul/2000, 98 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9781889108735



This confirmation program, developed with the help of Episcopal educators, clergy and theologians across the country, encourages youth and adults to enter into a uniquely Episcopal—yet profoundly Christian—faith journey. The easily-adapted format works for a traditional six- to twelve-week program, at a contemporary Confirmation retreat or conference, or as a sacramental supplement to other two- to three-year programs.I Will, with God’s help, built entirely on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer, offers seekers a solid reflection on Episcopal heritage and belief, together with the riches of Episcopal liturgy and prayer.

The Rev. Mary Lee Wile is a high school teacher and a deacon in the diocese of Maine. She also leads Quiet Days and workshops on contemplative prayer. She has published religious and educational articles in The Living Church, The Witness, The Other Side, Education Week and Teacher Magazine. Mary Lee received a MTS from Bangor Theological Seminary with a focus on Congregational Life.

“I find the sessions in I will, with God’s help flexible and full of concrete and useful advice. Our participants are discovering their faith at a new depth, rather than simply receiving information about their tradition. The members of the confirmation class are becoming People of Common Prayer, true Anglicans in the most profound sense.”- The Rev. Holly Antolini, Interim, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Waterville, Maine “In this program, Mary Lee Wile brings together the vital themes of belonging, community, prayer, repentance, Scripture, service, story and worship. Her suggested activities foster simple, profound experiences of the holy.” - The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen, Bishop of Maine


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