Knowing Jesus in Your Life

Carol Anderson

May/1995, 92 Pages, Paperback, 5 x 7.5

ISBN-13: 9780819216434



Carol Anderson, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills, California, has written an ideal introduction to the Christian faith, sharing key moments of her own life and telling the story of Jesus as it is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and presented in the Gospels. She powerfully points out that God is not remote, but personal and involved with His creation, wanting to know and love us. It is through Jesus that we can know God for ourselves without the distortion of New Age philosophy or even religious principles.

The Rev. Carol Anderson was one of the first women to be ordained in the Episcopal Church in the United States. She is Rector of All Saints Parish, Beverly Hills, California, and was awarded an honorary doctorate from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.

"This book is a gem. Knowing Jesus in Your Life is a first-class introduction to the Christian faith. Written in a relaxed, conversational style, the text is refreshingly devoid of theological jargon. Knowing Jesus in Your Life can be imaginatively used with individual seekers as well as with introductory courses, inquirers' classes and discipleship groups."—Episcopal Teacher

"(Carol Anderson) adroitly illustrates Knowing Jesus in Your Life with her own testimony of the power derived from simply following the example of the blind man whose sight Jesus restored..."—Virginia Episcopalian

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