The New Altar Guild Book

Large Print Edition

Barbara Gent, Betty Sturges

Morehouse Publishing

May/2003, 118 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9780819219763

Offers a lively blend of liturgical history, sacramental theology, and practical hints to help parish altar guilds carry out their ministry.

Barbara Gent has more than 50 years of experience in altar guilds, including six years as an officer of the National Altar Guild Association, serving as program chair and first vice-president.

Betty Sturges has been involved in altar guild activities for more than 40 years and has traveled extensively, visiting cathedrals and parish churches in the United States and abroad. She served as president of the National Altar Guild Association from 1979 to 1982, and remains an honorary board member.

"A classic guide on altar guild ministry offering a lively blend of liturgical history, sacramental theology and practical hints."--The Midwest Book Review

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