Preaching Through Holy Days and Holidays

Sermons That Work series XI

David J. Schlafer, Roger Alling

Morehouse Publishing

Jan/2003, 160 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819218926



Preaching Through Holy Days and Holidays is the eleventh in a series of books devoted to presenting examples of preaching excellence from parishes in the Episcopal Church. These sermons, collected from clergy around the country, focus on preaching the Holy Days and Holidays of the church and secular calendar.

Contents include sermons for:

    •The High Holy Days (Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Evening, and Pentecost)

    •major festivals (The Presentation of Our Lord, Ascension Day, The Transfiguration of Our Lord, All Saints' Day)

    •Feasts of various saints

    •Celebrations of ministerial vocation (The Baptism of Our Lord, The Nativity of John the Baptist, the ordination of a bishop, the renewal of ordination vows)

    •Civic holidays (Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving) and more.

David J. Schlafer is a noted homiletician and speaker and co-author of the Morehouse series Sermons That Work. He lives in Bethesda, Maryland.
Roger Alling is president of the Episcopal Preaching Foundation and director of the Foundation's Preaching Excellence Program. Co-editor of the Sermons that Work series, he lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.

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