Preparing a Catholic Funeral

Third Edition, Updated & Expanded

Kenneth Koehler

Church Publishing

Aug/2012, 56 Pages, Paperback, 8.25 x 10.75

ISBN: 9781606741207



In a revised and expanded edition, this simple pamphlet continues to guide us in dealing with death and arranging in advance for funerals.

These booklets are often purchased in bulk by institutions to distribute to people of all ages to help them plan final arrangements, or to families of the deceased immediately after a death. The original edition was prompted by the death of the author's father: upon his passing and pending funeral, no one knew his plans or directives. Since then, scores of clergy, funeral directors, and parishioners have used this guide to address what needs to be done.

Kenneth Koehler has been a clergyperson for over twenty five years and a priest for nearly forty. He has served two Denver parishes, where the number of funerals per year has averaged 35-40. The first edition of Preparing a Catholic Funeral arose out of the experience of his own father's funeral; when it came time to plan, no one knew where/what his plans were. Since then, literally thousands of parishioners around the country have appreciated the opportunity to supply, in a quick form, the right information for the church and their families. Reverend Koehler currently serves as Pastor of St. Mark Catholic Church in Westminster, CO.

"As one deeply involved in funeral ministry, both on a diocesan and parish level, this planning aid is a wonderful resource. I encourage the clergy and faithful alike to avail themselves of this valuable resource.

Order of Christian Funeral eloquently states, 'Christians celebrate the funeral rites to offer worship, praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life which has now been returned to God' OCF #5. This planning book helps in fulfilling the Church’s vision for well-planned and celebrated funeral rites."—Deacon Charles Parker, Director of Liturgy, Archdiocese of Denver


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