Ripe Fields

The Promise and Challenge of Latino Ministry

Juan M. C. Oliver

Church Publishing

May/2009, 145 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898696110



Launched at 2009 General Convention, Juan Oliver's definitive look at the history and potential future of Latino ministry in the Episcopal Church came at an opportune time. With Latino ministries growing around the country in all traditions, and with increasing resource and programmatic offerings being allocated to serve those communities, this highly descriptive handbook profiles the culture, faith, and importance of this emerging minority. Within the book chapters, Oliver surveys topical areas, such as:

    •Who/What is a Latino?

    •Latino Biblical Interpretation

    •Worship in a Latino congregation

    •The spiritual lives of Latinos

    •Latino authority and governance

    •Latino administration and stewardship

    •The Latino priest: Factotum or Specialist?

    •The Latino deacon

    •The Latino bishop

    •Non-Latinos in Latino ministry

JUAN OLIVER has served in a variety of ministerial positions as vicar, interim rector, acting canon to the ordinary, and as an academic and professor. Dr. Oliver has published widely on worship and Latino ministry. Ripe Fields: The Promise and Challenge of Latino Ministry was published in 2009; A House of Meanings: Christian Worship in Plain Language in 2020. The Rev. Dr. Oliver is the former custodian of the Book of Common Prayer and lives in Santa Fé, New Mexico.

“Juan Oliver presents an honest look at how we have approached Latino/Hispanic ministry and the causes for some of our failures in the past. His use of anecdotes to illustrate the shortsightedness of common practices pushes us to consider other ways to enter into this ministry that are holistic, have integrity, and can be fruitful. We do indeed have a ‘ripe field,’ and this book invites us to consider what we must do to plant and to harvest…a must-read for those who wish to engage in this exciting ministry.”—The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Program Officer for Latino/Hispanic Ministries, the Episcopal Church

“This book offers a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities that are presented to the Episcopal Church and other Christian bodies with the growing presence of Hispanics/Latinos in our midst. Latinos constitute a ripe field for evangelistic outreach and for ecclesial and societal transformation, once we learn to value their particular uniqueness and their rich cultural and religious heritage. Dr. Oliver, drawing from a wealth of knowledge and experience in ministry and leadership development among Latinos, will certainly contribute to heighten and enhance such an awareness.”—The Right Rev. Wilfrido Ramos-Orench, Provisional Bishop of Central Ecuador

‘This book should be a wake–up call to the church, and has been written in a very even-handed and useful manner for the person who has already been involved in Latina/o ministry or for those who feel the need to become bicultural and bilingual in their ministry and approach.’—Carla E. Roland Guzmán, Church of St. Matthew and St. Timothy, New York, New York

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