Seeing God in Diversity

Exodus and Acts

Angela Bauer-Levesque, Elizabeth Magill

Morehouse Publishing

Mar/2006, 64 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819221605



Finding God in the diversity of races, cultures, and creeds that make up our neighborhoods and cities, our country and our world, is one of the most important tasks for people of faith today. Seeing God in Diversity: Exodus and Acts, takes that task seriously. Here readers will find a parish study resource that promotes tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness by looking at two biblical stories from multiple points of view: the story of the returning Jews in the Book of Exodus and the story of the new Christian community in the Book of Acts.

The lessons of these ancient communities - and the way they dealt with many of the issues we face today - lead readers to put themselves in the place of each group and re-examine their faith and work for greater inclusiveness in their own communities. Lessons are arranged as six two-hour sessions, and include background commentary for study leaders, readings, activities, and discussion questions.

Angela Bauer-Levesque is associate professor of Hebrew Bible at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Elizabeth Magill is a UCC minister who leads a parish in Massachusetts.

"This booklet leads the local parish in serious study of issues of racial, cultural, and religious diversity. The urgency of the need to address the question of diversity adds to the overall value of this booklet."—The Bible Today

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