Wonder, Love, and Praise Pew Edition

A Supplement to The Hymnal 1982

Church Publishing Incorporated

Church Publishing

Jan/1997, 272 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898692266



This second supplement to The Hymnal 1982 is an eclectic collection of two hundred hymns and spiritual songs, including a large selection of service music and devotional pieces. It is a valuable resource for worship, parish functions, and home use. The sturdy paperback pew edition contains all necessary accompaniments.

There are additional hymns for Advent, Holy Week, Baptism, Ordinations, and Funerals as well as for healing, mission, unity, and peace. There are a dozen bilingual hymns and another dozen from Lift Every Voice and Sing II. The service music section contains twenty-nine new canticle settings including six Glorias, two Te Deums, A Song of Wisdom and A Song of Pilgrimage from Supplemental Liturgical Materials. There are two sets of Gospel Acclamations based on hymn tunes for the seasons of Easter and Epiphany. In addition there are twenty-nine selections of other liturgical and devotional music that includes table graces, rounds, acclamations, and selections of Music from Taize.

Church Publishing Incorporated, founded in 1918, is a publisher of trade books for general readers (inspiration, leadership, financial wellness, social justice), academic works, and professional church resources, including a suite of electronic products. It publishes The Book of Common Prayer, The Hymnal 1982, and content used in the liturgy, faith formation, and mission of The Episcopal Church.

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