These Are Our Bodies, Foundation Book

Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home

Leslie Choplin, Jenny Beaumont

Church Publishing

Aug/2016, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781606743089



Easily accessible, theologically progressive, mainline Christian Education resource on human sexuality.

Our inherent value and worth comes from God's love for us, but our modern world is filled with sexual expression that too often leads us away from the life of Christ. As Christians seeking to live a life worthy of our calling and desiring to pass along these values to our children and youth, this book explores how we (as parents and adults) can explore issues of sexuality in the context of our faith.

A sexuality education resource from a mainline/progressive denominational prospective aids the adult reader/teacher/parent in learning and using skills that enable them to embrace and affirm the wholeness of sexuality and to talk openly and honestly about the connection of sexuality and faith. This book, grounded from a theological perspective, focuses on foundational issues for addressing how we (and why we) are called to have these conversations in a faithful community to support families. The importance of looking at one's sexuality throughout the lifespan through the lenses of decision making, faith and daily life, respect, growth and change, behavior, responsibility, values, prayer, and intentionality is be explored, offering a grounding as well as stand-alone resource for individuals and churches to build upon.

Leslie Choplin is a PhD program assistant at VCU School of Social Work and received a DEdMin from Columbia Theological Seminary, with a focus on sexuality education. Previously she served as a Director of Christian Education in numerous Episcopal congregations across the United States as well as a health educator for the Virginia Department of Health. She lives in Richmond, Virginia.
Jenny Beaumont is a Christian educator, trained facilitator, and teacher currently serving at Christ Episcopal Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. She brings more than 15 years of experience in education and ministry to the dynamic conversation that connects the experience of faith with our sexuality through her "He, She, We and God" seminar. She writes curriculums, trains other facilitators, and leads workshops throughout the nation.

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