These Are Our Bodies: Preschool & Elementary Leader Guide

Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home

Jenny Beaumont, Abbi Long

Church Publishing

Sep/2017, 248 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN: 9780898690118



Faith formation resource for children on human sexuality.

This sexuality education resource from a mainline/progressive denominational prospective aids the leader, child (participant), and parent in learning about their body and using skills that enable them to embrace and affirm the wholeness of sexuality as part of who they are. Session plans will address facts about sexuality, vocabulary, decision making, faith and daily life, respect, growth and change, behavior, responsibility, values, prayer, and intentionality in an age appropriate manner for children and their parents. One Leader Guide will cover all ages, with three Parent Books (Preschool: 3- to 5-yearolds, Primary: 6- to 8-year-olds, and Intermediate: 9- to 11-year-olds), and two Participant Books (Primary and Intermediate ages).

Session topics include: • We are Wonderfully Made • We are Complex • We are Changing • We are Knowledgeable • We are Equipped • We are Called • We are Growing Up

Jenny Beaumont is a Christian educator, trained facilitator, and teacher currently serving at Christ Episcopal Church, Charlotte, North Carolina. She brings more than 15 years of experience in education and ministry to the dynamic conversation that connects the experience of faith with our sexuality through her "He, She, We and God" seminar. She writes curriculums, trains other facilitators, and leads workshops throughout the nation.
Abbi Long is the Director of Ministry at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Previously she served for six years as a youth ministry program leader in the United Methodist Church and taught special education for seven years in both elementary and middle school. Her MaEd from the University of Louisville and MDiv degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary combine as a strong foundation for Christian education and curriculum development.

“This curriculum aims to walk parents and children through a journey of honest self-discovery and sincere respect for others. The Leader’s Guide that accompanies it is a model of accessibility and practicality. This is just what our congregations need!”––The Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby, PhD, DD, 4th Bishop of Western Louisiana

These Are Our Bodies tackles the hard questions from a theological perspective grounded in our Episcopal foundations of scripture, tradition, and reason. Topics that are often difficult for us to talk about are made easy with clear objectives, supply lists, preparation checklists, suggestions and reminders, and detailed instructions of exactly what to do and say––everything I need to plan programs for parents and children.”––Karen Schlabach, Youth Missioner, The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

“How great it is to have developmentally appropriate materials for all ages levels across the lifespan to engage in learning and discussion about faith and sexuality! I can see These Are Our Bodies being used as resource for programs within the church or in small group settings outside of church.”––Kathy Graham, Coordinator of Lifelong Christian Formation, The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama

“Here is a comprehensive, all-ages curriculum that has the ability to strengthen congregations in meaningful ways. These Are Our Bodies supports and strengthens parents in their role as the primary teachers in their children’s lives and fosters greater connection among parents who participate in the program.” ––The Rev. Dr. Helen Svoboda-Barber, Rector, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Durham, North Carolina

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