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The Episcopal Church / Anglicanism
The Way of Love
Megan Castellan
Church Publishing
Nov/2019, 112 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 9781640651364
Perfect for newcomers and confirmation classes
The Episcopal Church has a language and a practice all its own. For a newcomer, these can seem intimidating at first glance. This book takes readers through a Sunday worship experience, and explains the what, the why, and the how of what they might encounter.
Worship is explained, with a quick survey of the Book of Common Prayer, along with frequently encountered vocabulary. How we read the Bible and what we believe about core points of theology are also discussed, especially as these points may differ from what many people assume to be Christian norms. How faith is practiced and its connection to our social and moral lives is discussed. What is the Jesus Movement and how can the Way of Love be lived every day? Finally, a short overview of Episcopal history is included, for the visitor who wonders how we came to be here. The book concludes with a few of the most frequently asked questions by adults who join the Episcopal Church.
MEGAN CASTELLAN is an ordained Episcopal priest, working extensively across generations within the church. She has marked how the younger generations approach the institution and its ancient traditions with a mix of awe and concern. Part of her ministry, though writing, years as a successful college chaplain, work as a diocesan youth worker, and as a preacher, has been to translate the ancient language of the Church into language that is approachable and inviting for the seekers of today. She lives in Ithaca, New York.