Behold What You Are

Becoming the Body of Christ

Lisa G. Fischbeck

Church Publishing

Apr/2021, 136 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640653238



Behold What You Are is written to open the possibilities of liturgy and liturgical awareness, in the church and of the church, Sunday by Sunday, season by season.

In a world increasingly and sharply divided, the image of the body of Christ can provide an alternate and life-giving narrative. We don’t just gather to worship God; we gather to worship God together, even when that gathering is online. And we go forth together to be the body of Christ, that the world might be repaired and restored to God. This body is not finite and exclusive; it is porous and open to all.

Our traditions are a wonderful springboard for refreshed liturgical expressions in settings within and beyond our church buildings. These expressions can connect with people who would not otherwise enter a beautiful but somewhat austere structure. With some thoughtful reflection and intentionality, the public expression and formation of the body of Christ through liturgy can become more vital for all.

LISA G. FISCHBECK is a parish priest and missionary with experience in established and new church settings. She serves as vicar of the Episcopal Church of the Advocate mission, known for its engaging and thoughtful liturgy. She has a background in marketing, fundraising, and public relations, but more significantly in church history and liturgical studies, which sparks a passion for the church and its liturgy in our time. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.

“You will never think of liturgy the same way—this is a book well worth reading and sharing with others!” —The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church

“This book is an invitation for lay and clergy leaders to discern the ways in which God is calling them to be the body of Christ in the new and changing cultural and ecclesial landscape we inhabit.”—The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas, The Episcopal Church in Colorado

"Lisa Fischbeck’s book is a must-read refresher that gently and playfully invites a joyful rediscovery of the ‘why’ of our worship practices. I look forward to using it as a resource with small groups, newcomers, and worship leaders.”—The Very Rev. Gray Lesesne, Dean, Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis

“Rich with both broad principles and concrete ideas, this book will be a valuable resource for anyone involved in planning and leading liturgical worship—in person or online. Lisa deeply believes that how we worship matters, and she’ll make you believe it too.”—The Rev. Dr. Miranda Hassett, Rector, St. Dunstan’s Church, Madison, Wisconsin

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