Celebrating the Rites of Initiation

A Practical Ceremonial Guide for Clergy and Other Liturgical Ministers

James F. Turrell

Church Publishing

Apr/2013, 160 Pages, Paperback, 8 x 10

ISBN: 9780898698756



Celebrating the Rites of Initiation continues the standard of scholarship set by Patrick Malloy’s Celebrating the Eucharist, and offers similar aids around issues of baptism and confirmation. It is an ideal book for students and practicing clergy who seek to strengthen their knowledge—and parochial practice—of baptismal theology.

James F. Turrell teaches liturgy at the School of Theology of the University of the South, where he also serves as dean. He has served on the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, where he led a committee that revised the rites for the catechumenate in the Book of Occasional Services. He is a priest of the Diocese of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. He lives in Sewanee, Tennessee.

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