Celebrating the Eucharist

A Practical Ceremonial Guide for Clergy and Other Liturgical Ministers

Patrick Malloy

Church Publishing

Jan/2008, 218 Pages, Paperback, 8 x 10

ISBN: 9780898695625



In this first new Eucharistic customary in nearly 20 years, Patrick Malloy, an Episcopal priest and liturgical scholar, presents a clear, illustrated guide for the presider and other leaders of the liturgy, contemporary in approach but based on ancient and classic principles of celebration.

The 1979 Book of Common Prayer, like its predecessors, is long on telling the Church what to say, and short on telling it what to do. This leaves those who "choreograph" Prayer Book liturgies with a complex task and a powerful influence over the faith of the Church. The author begins with a concise theology of the liturgy that underpins all of his specific directives in the book.

Contents include: Theological and liturgical principles; Liturgical ministry and liturgical ministers; Liturgical space; Vesture, vessels, and other liturgical objects; The liturgical year; The shape of the liturgy; The sung liturgy and singing during the liturgy; The order of the Eucharist (the "heart" of the book); and The celebration of Baptism during the Eucharist.

PATRICK MALLOY is sub-dean and canon for liturgy & the arts at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, having earlier served as H. Boone Porter professor of liturgics at the General Theological Seminary. The Rev. Dr. Malloy holds a PhD in liturgical studies from the University of Notre Dame and is a former member of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church. He lives in New York.

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