Christian Minimalism

Simple Steps for Abundant Living

Becca Ehrlich

Morehouse Publishing

May/2021, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9781640653887



"Ehrlich’s insightful self-help guide will resonate with Christians wishing to streamline an overstuffed life."Publishers Weekly

Logically, we all know our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige—Jesus is very clear about that—but society tells us otherwise. Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society’s lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.

Written by a woman who simplified her own life and practices these principles daily, this book gives readers a fresh perspective on how to live out God’s grace for us in new and exciting ways and live out our faith in a way that is deeply satisfying.

BECCA EHRLICH is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA); she also holds a doctorate in Christian Spirituality. As a Christian minimalist in a consumer society, she got rid of sixty percent of her personal possessions in six months, took part in a year-long shopping fast, and moved into a smaller home. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband, Will.

"Ehrlich’s insightful self-help guide will resonate with Christians wishing to streamline an overstuffed life."—Publishers Weekly

"Christian Minimalism is a deeply reverent testimony, offering profound wisdom to readers of all faiths, and highly recommended."—Midwest Book Review

"This is a welcome and helpful tool."—Spirituality and Practice

“Ehrlich weaves biblical themes and stories along with practical suggestions. Christian Minimalism is engaging and motivating, and more than anything, it is about love and joy.” —Heidi Neumark, author of Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx“This book is a must-read for every American Christian. Far from being only a call to have less, Christian Minimalism offers a way to live more; the applications are relevant to every area of life.”—AJ Smith, Lead Pastor, Restoration Church, Philadelphia “Becca Ehrlich offers an intimate look at her journey to Christian minimalism. She provides a practical guide that gives the reader the opportunity to experience holistic abundance through an encounter with a unique, God-centered minimalistic lifestyle.” —The Rev. Patricia A. Davenport, Bishop, Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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