Christ on the Psych Ward

David Finnegan-Hosey

Church Publishing

Mar/2018, 160 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780898690514



A series of reflections on the intersections among mental health, faith, and ministry.

Beginning with his own experience, Finnegan-Hosey shares ways communities of faith can be present with those suffering from mental illness and crises. Weaving together personal testimony, theological reflection, and practical ministry experience, he offers a message of hope for those suffering and for friends and faith communities struggling to care for them. Ultimately, his journey of recovery and healing reveals the need for a theological understanding of a vulnerable God, important not solely for ministry with those with mental health struggles, but offering a hopeful vision forward for the church.

DAVID FINNEGAN-HOSEY is the College Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministries at Barton College in Wilson, North Carolina. He is the author of Christ on the Psych Ward. In 2011, David was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after a series of psychiatric hospitalizations. He now speaks and writes about the intersections among mental illness, mental health, and faith. David lives in Wilson with his wife, Leigh, and their dog, Penny Lane.

“In Christ on the Psych Ward, David Finnegan-Hosey does something the Church has had difficulty doing regarding mental illness; he opens up the blinds and he lets the light in. David's story is compelling, his voice clear, his insight profound, and his subject matter critical. A book like this is long overdue, both in and outside the Church. It will save lives.” —John Pavolvitz, author of A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community

“David Finnegan-Hosey does not offer pious platitudes or easy answers but authentic Christian hope in the face of illnesses that affect nearly every Church, family, and organization today.” —Rev. David W. Peters, author of Post-Traumatic God: How the Church Cares for People Who Have Been to Hell and Back

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