Christ Walk Crushed

A 40-Day Journey toward Reconciliation

Anna Fitch Courie, David W. Peters

Church Publishing

Apr/2019, 224 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781640651159



Applies the popular Christ Walk approach as a path to reconciliation and healing

“Walk it off,” that much-used advice of coaches, turns out to work in the spiritual realm, too. Take a walk with Anna and David as they explore reconciliation and healing using the best-selling framework found in Christ Walk: A 40 Day Spiritual Fitness Program. Through their own experiences with moral injury, illness, and trauma, the authors have found that sometimes the best way to deal with stressful experiences is by moving their feet. Over the course of forty days, readers will experience God in each stage of the healing process in tandem with a biblically inspired journey.

Anna Fitch Courie is an Army wife, nurse, and the author of three Christ Walk books and The Adventures of Cancer Girl who finds her calling where health and spirituality intersect. A consultant on building community coalitions on health, she is a graduate of Clemson University, the University of Wyoming, and Education for Ministry (EfM). She lives in Columbia, South Carolina.

DAVID W. PETERS served as a Marine and Army Chaplain in Iraq, and his experience includes youth ministry, hospital and military chaplaincy, and parish ministry. David’s books and story have been featured twice on NPR’s All Things Considered. He has appeared on Fox News and local TV stations, as well as WHYY in Philadelphia. He blogs for the Huffington Post and Oxford University Press. David is currently an Army Reserve instructor at the U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, and associate rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Austin, Texas.

"Through sharing their journey beyond and through the tragedies in their lives, Anna and David have connected the fundamentals of our personal need for God with relevant examples from their personal struggles. This connective element, alone, is a great value to Christians who have found themselves crushed by tragedy; yet, this wonderful book couples those guiding words with introspective physical exercise that mirrors the missions of Christ and his disciples. Encapsulating spiritual, physical, and mental health for those who are hurting is a timely message, especially for our community of veterans and their families, as well as the families of the fallen. The tragedy of losing my son in "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was an experience that could have crushed me. My survival has included a spiritual, mental, and physical dedication to wellness––but I never connected them into a unified whole until reading this book. Anna and David have given us a 40-day wellness journey that melds all these three elements of self into one focused path toward and with Christ."––Cindy Kruger, Proud Gold Star Mom of SGT Michael C. Hardegree and Past National President, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.

"An essential, thought-provoking exploration of spiritual fitness, an elusive and often misunderstood concept that serves as a wellspring of strength and resilience. Christ Walk Crushed will help readers understand better not only the physical and mental dimensions of fitness, but also how important their faith is to their overall health. A vitally important book to the human condition."–– Col. Steve Leonard, USA (Ret.), creator of "Doctrine Man!!", non-resident Fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point, and former senior U.S. Army strategist

"In an age when in our society and culture we are inclined to be separated from one another and from God, this spiritual journey into reconciliation and healing is a very timely offering. Peters and Courie have combined spiritual direction and physical health together. Though we tend to draw lines of separation between the physical and the spiritual, we follow a Lord who never made such separations. The economy of Jesus' approach to the people who needed him most always included an intertwining of the physical and the spiritual. In a very earthy and welcoming manner, the authors have maintained the unity of physical and spiritual being that Jesus intended. The journey they have given us is God's path to wholeness."–– The Rt. Rev. James B. Magness, Bishop Diocesan Pro Tempore for the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia

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