A Failure of Nerve

Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix (10th Anniversary, Revised Edition)

Edwin H. Friedman

Church Publishing

May/2017, 288 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781596272798



An invitation and guide for leaders “to cast a courageous and imaginative vision, to lead resiliently, and to be present and steady in times of deep anxiety.”

Ed Friedman’s genius was to see the individual in the family in the larger group, bringing the wisdom of his experience as a therapist and rabbi to the field of organizational leadership.

A timeless bestseller, A Failure of Nerve still astonishes in this new edition with its relevance and continues to transform the lives of leaders everywhere—business, church, family, schools—as it has for more than 20 years:

    • Offers prescient guide to leadership in the age of “quick fix.”

    •Provides ways to recognize and address organizational dysfunction.

    •Emphasizes “strength over pathology” in these anxious times.

“The age that is upon us requires differentiated leadership that is willing to rise above the anxiety of the masses. We need leaders who will have the ‘capacity to understand and deal effectively’ with the hive mind that is us. This is, in Friedman's words, ‘the key to the kingdom.’ I am grateful for this accessible new edition.”

-C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Edwin H. Friedman (1932–1996) was an ordained rabbi and practicing family therapist. An in-demand consultant and public speaker throughout the country, he led leadership training programs for government, business, religious, and psychotherapy professionals at his Center for Family Process. His groundbreaking volumes Generation to Generation and A Failure of Nerve, which exposed the connections between emotional processes at home and at work in religious, educational, therapeutic, and business systems, have become modern classics. He lived in Washington, DC.

"The age that is upon us requires differentiated leadership that is willing to rise above the anxiety of the masses. We need leaders who will have the "capacity to understand and deal effectively" with the hive mind that is us. This is, in Friedman's words, 'the key to the kingdom.' I am grateful for this accessible new edition." —C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Texas "In seminary, I learned to exegete scripture, to craft a sermon, to think theologically. I did not learn how to lead a congregation. In A Failure of Nerve, Ed Friedman invites leaders to cast a courageous and imaginative vision, to lead resiliently, and to be present and steady in times of deep anxiety; qualities of leadership more urgently needed now than at any time in my memory. My students find excitement and energy in the adventure of leadership Ed invites us to embrace. —Gina Campbell, Visiting Professor of Worship, Wesley Theological Seminary, and Adjunct Faculty, Center for Family Process "Perhaps more than ever, we need to prepare ourselves for increasing our maturity, which means taking responsibility for our own emotional functioning. As Friedman's mentor, Murray Bowen, succinctly reminded us, 'If you lower anxiety one notch, it's a better world.' We all owe thanks to Edwin Friedman for helping us in this process." — Peter L. Steinke, author of How Your Church Family Works and other books (from foreword)

"Reading this book is like discovering an unpublished Beethoven sonata or a missing play of Shakespeare. Ed Friedman was one of our most brilliant, original, and provocative thinkers across the field of therapy, ministry and organizational leadership." —William H. Doherty, Professor of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota "Ed Friedman is even more relevant today than at his death in 1996, and through these pages speaks again with his characteristically playful yet penetrating insight. This book offers a new generation of leaders the skills that promote prophetic spine and pioneering breakthroughs."—Ed Bacon, former Rector, All Saints Church, Pasadena, California

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