
A Way of Listening, Engaging, and Understanding across the Anglican Communion

Paula D. Nesbitt

Church Publishing

Feb/2017, 288 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819233172



Indaba! depicts the adventures and challenges of participants who explored mutual listening and understanding across the worldwide Anglican Communion through the innovative Continuing Indaba project. Indaba is an African Zulu cultural process for engaging differences of view on a shared concern. Introduced to the Anglican Communion for the 2008 Lambeth Conference, it has been adapted and used as a transformative resource for church, interfaith, and civic organizations to use alongside other processes of relationship-building, conflict transformation, reconciliation, decision-making, and governance.

As a groundbreaking book, Indaba! shares findings from a cross-cultural research team who traveled with the participants, documenting their observations through interviews and survey research. The wisdom and practices of this indigenous cultural tradition offer fresh insights on how to maintain healthy and vital communities that respect differences of culture, belief, and viewpoint in moving forward together. The use of indaba in contemporary global religious and civic life offers a path forward for genuine postcolonial relationships, partnerships, and mission, grounded in deeper understanding and mutual respect.

PAULA D. NESBITT, PhD, MDiv, Harvard, has taught sociology of religion in seminaries and universities over the past 25 years, including the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Denver. At the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, California) since 2011, she has conducted research, consulted, and spoken on indaba and other topics locally and internationally. Ordained to the Episcopal priesthood, she is active at parish, diocesan, and churchwide levels, and currently serves on the Interanglican Women's Network Steering Group. She has authored, co-authored, or edited several books, book chapters, and numerous articles on a range of topics.

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