Inhabited by Grace

The Way of Incarnate Love

William O. Daniel Jr.

Church Publishing

Sep/2019, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9781640651906



What does it mean to inhabit the life of liturgy? What does it mean to be inhabited by Christ? This book offers a way to rethink what we do when we pray, so that we do not so much call on God for help but join in a conversation.

Readers will learn how to think about God through certain habits and practices: how posture effects our perceptions of God and Christ, how feasting on Christ in the Eucharist shapes our understanding of the body—both our individual bodies and the body of the Church. The author also offers tools for forming a deliberate rule of life to ground readers in the transcendent life of liturgy.

Readers will recognize the inseparability of the tables of their homes and the Eucharistic Table, relating daily life with Eucharistic life. Dr. Daniel connects the language of the Book of Common Prayer with the everyday realities of ordinary life, compelling the worshiper to discern how daily practices correspond with or fight against her participation in the Eucharistic economy.

WILLIAM DANIEL serves as rector at Saint Michael's Episcopal Church in Geneseo, New York. He is an adjunct professor ofHumanities at SUNY Geneseo, and serves as a coordinator for seminary formation and District Dean in the Diocese of Rochester. He completed his doctorate at the University of Nottingham after earning degrees from Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Duke University Divinity School, and Trevecca Nazarene University. Father Daniel lives with his family in Geneseo.

"For those hungry and thirsty for a moment's peace or a lifetime of the same, Inhabited by Grace is a must read. Daniel does not take lightly the deep truth that there is no division between the body and the soul; the abundant life Jesus offered is found in the practice of authentic spiritual discipline and piety. Three cheers—or perhaps whispers—for this great work."—The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr., St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas

"This is a pearl of a book—steeped in the wisdom of the ancient church, of attentiveness to the Bible, for contemporary pastoral and liturgical practice. As William Daniel gazes upon God he trains us to do the same. And the God who gazes back in Christ changes us. He is full of demanding love and insistent mercy. As a reader I couldn't get enough."—The Rev. Dr. Jason Byassee, Vancouver School of Theology

"Inhabited by Grace is a book that needs to be in the hands of every Christian who seeks to deepen their life of prayer and devotion to Christ. William Daniel walks us through all the reasons why prayer matters, making us fall in love with Christ again and again."—The Rev. Marcus George Halley, Saint Paul's Church on Lake of the Isles, Minnesota

"The only thing that really has lasting transformative power is an encounter with God's grace. And this book is filled cover to cover with just that--two hundred proof, unadulterated, amazing Grace! So, 'stop lookin' for love in all the wrong places,' and devour this book today. Not too much theory, and perfectly practical, this is a must-read for anyone who wants to make Sunday rituals have real meaning on Monday morning."—The Rev. Charleston David Wilson, Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota, Florida

"A beautiful series of meditations on the spiritual life." —The Rev. Dr. Juan Oliver, Custodian of the Book of Common Prayer

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