Liturgical Life Principles

How Episcopal Worship Can Lead to Healthy and Authentic Living

Ian S. Markham

Morehouse Publishing

Apr/2009, 112 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819223241



An evidence-filled argument on how the Episcopal Church can help anyone who struggles to cope with the stress of modern life to survive and thrive.

In clear, accessible language, Markham demonstrates how the liturgy of The Episcopal Church can enable us to cope more effectively with the stresses and strains of modern life. This book is a delightful introduction to the movement and flow of Episcopal services and demonstrates how the liturgy can transform human lives. Markham shows persuasively how the whole purpose of the Christian liturgy is to provide us with the resources to enable God to facilitate healthy and authentic living.

Ian S. Makham is the Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and a Professor of Theology and Ethics. He is the author of numerous books, including Against Atheism and An Introduction to Ministry (co-written with Oran Warder). His awards include the Robertson Fellow; Claggett Fellow attached to Washington National Cathedral; Frank Woods Fellow at Trinity College, Melbourne; and F. D. Maurice Lectures at King’s College, London. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

“In this wise and helpful book, The Purpose-Driven Life meets the Episcopal Church. Liturgical Life Principles is as practical in approach as Rick Warren’s well-known work for someone who wants to grow in faith, only this one is deeply Anglican. Rarely has the connection between worship and daily Christian life been so clearly and compellingly drawn.” —The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd, III, Dean, Washington National Cathedral

“In the light of the megachurch focus on hope, this book calls us to experience a more complete gospel that includes hope, personal transformation, and confrontation with evil and injustice. While this volume is an excellent resource for adult education or confirmation instruction, in its simplicity it encourages the life-long practicing Christian (like myself) to focus again on the basics of worship and Christian living.” —Ward B. Ewing, Dean President of The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, New York City

“Ian Markham has offered the Church a practical and devotional guide to the Eucharist. This book gives Christians, new believers, and those seasoned in the faith, a valuable tool to make sense of liturgical practices in terms of their own lives.” —George Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri, The Episcopal Church

“… [A] wonderful, exciting and enticing book which will appeal to those in the pew as much as the pulpit. This is a marvelous primer on worship and daily life which will energize and inspire all who read it in their discipleship and walk with God.” —Revd. Canon Professor Martyn Percy, Principal, Ripon College Cuddesdon The Oxford Ministry Course, Oxford, United Kingdom

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