Can a Bishop Be Wrong?

Ten Scholars Challenge John Shelby Spong

Peter C. Moore

Morehouse Publishing

Mar/1998, 176 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819217264



An eminent group of Episcopal scholars and bishops addresses the core issues raised in Bishop Spong's books and teachings on the Virgin birth, resurrection, sexuality, scripture, sin, Jesus, culture, and God. These essays are incisive responses to an articulate and charismatic public figure whose provocative writings have stirred traditional and non-traditional thinkers alike.

While acknowledging that Spong's writing strikes a chord with lay people in the churches and the general public, the book's authors believe a balanced response is needed. They accomplish this by commending the bishop for having the courage of his convictions while challenging his teachings on the cornerstone beliefs of Christian tradition.

Peter C. Moore is Dean, Trinity School of Ministry, Ambrige, PA.

"...we can all admire the spirit of this book... a hard-working attempt to respond to the conscious "attack upon Christendom" first launched in 1972 by the Bishop of Newark...These scholars have read the books. They have compared them to one another, underlined them, and digested them."--Paul F. M. Zahl, Anglican Theological Review

"The contributions of C. FitzSimons Allison and George R. Sumner, Jr. are fine essays and models of Christian debate..."—Robert F. Allen, The Living Church

"Assuming that the book was devoted to polity, I was surprised to discover a theological discussion relating to fundamentalism and basic convictions affirmed by the Bishop of Newark. One would have to study the thirteen books written by Bishop Spong carefully to determine whether or not his critics are correct in their understanding of the author's position. Are they honest? Are they fair? Are they faithful to the text? Is their zeal for destroying a Church leader greater than their commitment to the peace, purity and unity of the Church? This volume is both interesting and thought provoking--but one cannot set it aside without taking considerable time to read carefully the other texts."--Raymond B. Knudsen, Editor, The Counselor

"Articulate, controversial, engaging, and charismatic, Bishop Spong now faces challengers that are themselves knowledgeable and informative. Can a Bishop Be Wrong? is fascinating reading for all Christians, and of vital interest to an Anglican perspective"--James A. Cox, The Midwest Book Review

"The book will inevitably get less attention than Spong's, and that is a pity. It is a great deal more articulate than Why Christianity Must Change. Spong has read the book, apparently. He told one reporter it fails to refute him." --Paul R. Buckley, Foundations

"This book is written for the educated laity, with a high degree of clarity. The authors carefully explain Bishop Spong's ideas on the Bible, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, sexuality, and similar subjects, and then equally carefully explain his errors in logic and scholarship...The result is not only a thorough and final refutation of the bishop's arguments, but a good education in orthodox Christianity itself, as the truth of the Gospel becomes clearer when contrasted with an alternative....Can a Bishop be Wrong? needed to be written, and needs to be read, because the ideas Bishop Spong expresses so clearly harm human souls, even in the much vaguer form preached from many pulpits."--David Mills, Foundations, the magazine of the Episcopal Synod of America.

"Bishop Spong's new book and this scholarly riposte were released about the same time, and it is helpful to read them together. There's no mistaking the firmness of the writers' disagreement with the well-known bishop, but the tone is never histrionic."—Paul R. Buckley,The Dallas Morning News Religion

"Because many denominational leaders seem to share Spong's beliefs, it is important that we be able to reply to these beliefs, which contradict the Church's common faith. This book is an invaluable resource in doing that. It is a must-read."--Graham Scott, Theological Digest Outlook

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