For All the Saints

Remembering the Christians Departed

N. T. Wright

Morehouse Publishing

Aug/2004, 96 Pages, Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5

ISBN: 9780819221339



"We have been drifting into a muddle and a mess, putting together bits and pieces of traditions, ideas and practices in the hope that they will make sense. They don't. There may be times when a typical Anglican fudge is a pleasant, chewy sort of thing, but this isn't one of them. It's time to think and speak clearly and act decisively."

With these robust words Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham, throws down a challenge to current liturgy and practice surrounding All Saints' and All Souls' Days, and sets out to clarify our thinking about what happens to people after they die. Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, what it means to pray for the dead, what (and who) are the saints, are all addressed in this invigorating and rigorously argued book.

N. T. Wright was Bishop of Durham, England from 2003-2010 and is now research professor of New Testament & Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews. He has written over 40 books, including the bestselling Simply Christian and the For Everyone Guides to the New Testament.

"Prolific author N.T. Wright looks at what happens when people die. Particularly meaningful is his chapter about the observances of All Saints' and All Souls' days. In this chapter and elsewhere the Bishop of Durham brings in the theology found in some Anglican hymns."—David Kalvelage, The Living Church

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