Preaching as Prophetic Calling

Sermons That Work series XII

Roger Alling, David J. Schlafer

Morehouse Publishing

Feb/2004, 145 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780819218933



Preaching as Prophetic Calling is the twelfth in a series of books devoted to presenting examples of preaching excellence from parishes throughout the Episcopal Church.

This volume addresses the difficult and essential area of preaching a prophetic word. What does a prophetic sermon look like without being shrill, and without being filled with “musts,” “oughts,” and “shoulds”? This collection of sermons includes examples of prophetic preaching that are visionary and that speak in ways that offer radical comfort as well as radical challenge.

Roger Alling is president of the Episcopal Preaching Foundation and director of the Foundation's Preaching Excellence Program. Co-editor of the Sermons that Work series, he lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.
David J. Schlafer is a noted homiletician and speaker and co-author of the Morehouse series Sermons That Work. He lives in Bethesda, Maryland.

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